Are you sick of being sick?

We clean, sterilize, disinfect, sanitize. Kids are not allowed to play in the dirt anymore, we now use antibacterial soaps, lotions, towels and even clothing.


For many years we have been treating any infection with antibiotics. Whether self-prescribed or administered by a doctor, the goal of antibiotic therapy is to destroy any bacteria that may be causing the infection, but overuse of antibiotics has caused a decrease in our immune system’s ability to respond because it also destroys our indigenous friendly bacteria, making us more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections.


We perceive the human body as self sufficient with systems that keep us alive. But recent studies have shown that bacteria that live in our gut, mouth and skin play a major role in our ability to survive as a human species. Bacteria in our gut is not merely benefiting from us, we have become mutually dependant on each other.


In the movie Independence Day (Spoiler Alert) with Will Smith, an alien society invades earth and all military strategies fail to defeat them, but gradually all of them start dying once exposed to earth’s environment because humans have developed an immune system that is able to cohabit with bacteria, since aliens did not have immune system they all died of infectious diseases.


Humans develop in the bacteria-free environment of the mother’s womb, but as babies pass through the birth canal, they receive a bacterial load that primes their immune system with the bacterial load necessary to kickstart their defense mechanism.


It is now known that babies born through C-section are more likely to get affected by certain infections and have a harder time defending against infectious diseases.


It doesn’t help that our lifestyles have changed dramatically and we live more sedentary, stressful lives with poor diet and horrible sleep habits.


Remember that there are 10 bacterial cells in our bodies  per human cell. So, in a way, we are more bacteria than human. Also, bacteria has been on earth for about 3.5 billion years, human species merely 50,000 years. So they have a significant advantage over humans on survival mechanisms. However, it seems like we’re continuously finding new ways to destroy the delicate balance human-bacteria that nature has worked so hard for tens of thousands of years to develop.


Things  that help strengthen your immune system:


Healthy diet

Stress Management

Good sleep habits

Don’t take antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor


For a boost to your immune system, join our FREE bootcamp. More info @


Dr. Oscar Marin DDS